Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why should I use e-learning?

Generally e-learning is seen as offering solutions to several challenges currently facing HE. These include the move towards lifelong learning, with its ongoing demand for continuous professional development, and the drive to widen participation. These challenges come at a time of increasing pressure on resources, and the increasing diversity in the student population and their modes of attendance, including learning that is part-time, at a distance, open or flexible, and work based E-learning can improve the flexibility and quality of learning by:
providing access to a range of resources and materials which may not otherwise be available or accessible, for example graphics, sound, animation, multimedia;
giving control to students over when and where they study;
allowing students to study at their own pace;
providing a student centred learning environment which can be tailored to meet the learning needs of individual students;
creating an environment that promotes an active approach to learning;
supporting increased communications between staff and students, and amongst students;
providing frequent and timely individual feedback, for example through computer assisted assessment, and positive reinforcement;
motivating students through appropriate use of interactive courseware;
supporting and encouraging collaborative learning;
supporting economic reuse of high quality, expensive resources;
encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning

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